June 12-15, 2013
Day 1
Our first day was a blast! The Parks and Rec people take such good care of us! We are fed very good food, put up in great motels, and always hydrated! The park employees are just so cheerful and happy. Big thanks to Dave, Penny and Mike!!!
Bob got right after his log. Peace Loving Hippie will be out of there in just a few days!
Day 2
Our second day, I mostly stayed in to organize the RV. It is a mess. We ended up throwing the last of our stuff in every nook and cranny. What a disaster!
The trailer is just too small for all of our inventory, so we ended up with most of it on our couches.
We knew it would be a learning experience! And it is proving to be just that! Bob worked his behind off. He is really going fast!
My baby girl came down to help! Woo Hoo! She showed up looking so pretty. She has been sick, so I was so glad to see her smiling!
Day 3
We found some art supplies for Kyra so she could work her magic with pastels. She is truly unbelievable!
Bob finished the Hippie! He turned out fantastic! No paint on this one.
This is our set up day. We get to take the tables, chairs, gazebo and all the small inventory over to our space and start selling. $$$
Day 4
We showed up at the park and our gazebo had been destroyed by the wind. We also lost two clay sculptures. That is so sad.
The good news is that Bob had an extra gazebo! Yay for shade!!!
The 1 hour quick carve was at 1pm. Bob finished his 10 minutes early.
Some of these other carvers are AMAZING!
Ron Eye-1st Place
Artist Choice and Peoples Choice
Bongo Love-2nd Place
Faye Braaten-3rd Place
Steve-Burned Cowboy
Thomas Earing-Kyra loves this one! Of course!
Jon Parker-This was the cutest!
Nick-Neat combination!
And last, but definitely not least!
Chad Stratton-My second favorite (you know, after the Hippie). So fantastic, so detailed!
Bob didn't win this one with his wonderful Hippie, but we had a fantastic time!
fun with photoshop